Future of Office Space Singapore Summit – Partnership Prospectus

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COVID-19 has focused minds on exactly what the office is for and how central a role it should play in corporate strategies and budgets – as well as making the strengths and limitations of home set-ups all too apparent.

But what does the future hold for office buildings where so many spent the majority of their waking hours? How do employees and tenants feel about returning to the office? Can offices be virus-proofed and made more resilient to get through this and future pandemics? How much space, what type of space and what locations will organisations need or want in future? What will this mean for CBDs and the economy – and ultimately how will this impact office landlords, managers, REITS and fund managers.

Brought to you by the organisers of the hugely successful Future of Office Space Australia Summit, this dedicated event for the Singapore market will bring together the brightest minds in the industry to explore these questions and more.