The macro trends driving new opportunities: Insights from Errol Bellchambers, National Head of Procurement of DT Infrastructure

FuturePlace Interview Spotlight, Errol Bellchambers

The construction industry has traditionally lagged in innovation. We recently interviewed Errol Bellchambers, National Head of Procurement at DT Infrastructure to explore how to embrace new technologies and processes to revolutionise procurement practices. We delved into Procurement and how it has become increasingly important to managing construction supply chains and effectively managing project costs and delays. Join Errol at the Construction Procurement Summit this October, where he will speak on Exploring the macro trends driving new opportunities across construction supply chains.


FuturePlace: We have seen Procurement has become increasingly important to managing construction supply chains and effectively managing project costs and delays. What are the big trends that you see changing over the short term and how has procurement best practice evolved to meet these headwinds?

Errol Bellchambers: In the Australian construction industry, we see several key trends shaping procurement. First, the integration of digital technologies such as AI and IoT are transforming how we manage supply chains which provides greater transparency and efficiency. Second, there is a heightened focus on sustainability and responsible sourcing, driven by both corporate social responsibility and government requirements. Third, the rise of data-driven decision-making is enabling more precise and strategic procurement practices. 

Procurement best practices have evolved to embrace these trends by adopting technology to streamline processes for sourcing to risk management. For instance, at DT Infrastructure, we’ve implemented SAP Ariba, which has significantly improved our efficiency and decision-making capabilities when sourcing. Additionally, fostering strong supplier relationships and leveraging data for predictive analytics have become essential components of modern procurement strategies. 

“Fostering strong supplier relationships and leveraging data for predictive analytics have become essential components of modern procurement strategies.”

FuturePlace: What are the largest opportunities that you see for construction procurement professionals over the last year past and looking ahead?

Errol Bellchambers: The past year has highlighted the importance of agility and resilience in procurement. One of the largest opportunities lies in leveraging technology to enhance supply chain visibility and risk management. By adopting digital tools, procurement professionals can access information quicker, enhance collaboration, reduce lead times and minimise their impact on projects.

Looking ahead, there is a significant opportunity to drive sustainability initiatives with increasing emphasis on green building materials and practices. Procurement can play an important role in sourcing sustainable materials and ensuring compliance with environmental standards. Another key opportunity is with collaboration and innovation. By working closely with suppliers and stakeholders, procurement can assist to deliver innovation, improve project outcomes, and create long-term value for the clients.


FuturePlace: What technologies or industry innovations are coming in to make the role of a Procurement Head easier?

Errol Bellchambers: Technologies such as AI, machine learning, and advanced analytics are game changers for procurement. We want AI to automate routine tasks, provide predictive insights, and enhance decision-making processes when sourcing. We have a few things in the testing stages that we believe will help the team make more informed choices.

FuturePlace: How important are contracts within your role and how can these be amended to make procurement more efficient?

Errol Bellchambers: Contracts help Procurement drive value and measure our supply chain performance whilst assisting to drive continuous improvement to deliver greater results. 

To make procurement more efficient, contracts should be designed to be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances for a more win-win outcome. Incorporating clauses for diversity, sustainability requirements, and contingency plans can enhance contract success.  

FuturePlace: What about Sustainability and responsible sourcing – how has this evolved over recent times in your opinion? 

Errol Bellchambers: Sustainability and responsible sourcing have evolved from being niche considerations to becoming central parts of procurement strategies. There’s a growing recognition that sustainable practices are not only good for the environment but also beneficial for business. 

Companies are more diligent about assessing the environmental impact of their supply chains and are prioritising suppliers who adhere to sustainable practices. At DT Infrastructure, we highlight sustainability and local content as priorities in our procurement strategy, focusing on sourcing eco-friendly materials and partnering with suppliers who share our commitment to growing local businesses in the areas we work.


“Sustainability and responsible sourcing have evolved from being niche considerations to becoming central parts of procurement strategies.”

FuturePlace: How important is human capital within procurement and how are you going about training, developing, and retaining your team?

Errol Bellchambers: People are a crucial resource in procurement as they drive innovation, efficiency, and strategic thinking. Developing and retaining a skilled procurement staff is essential for achieving our goals.  

At DT Infrastructure, we promote a collaborative and inclusive work environment that encourages professional growth and innovation. By providing clear career paths, competitive compensation and benefits, and opportunities for advancement in different markets, we aim to retain top talent and build a motivated, high-performing team. 


FuturePlace: What does success look like to you in terms of procurement and your role within DT Infrastructure? 

Errol Bellchambers: Success in procurement means achieving a balance between cost, risk and people. It involves building strong collaborative relationships with suppliers and ensuring that our procurement strategies align with the overall goals of DT Infrastructure. 

In my role, success is measured by our ability to deliver projects on time and within budget, while contributing to DTI’s objectives and goals. It’s about being proactive, leveraging technology to drive efficiencies, and continuously improving our processes. Ultimately, success is about creating value not just for DT Infrastructure, but also for our clients, stakeholders, and the communities we work in. 

FuturePlace: What excites you about speaking at the Construction Procurement Summit and what topics and speakers are of most interest to you?

Errol Bellchambers: Speaking at the Construction Procurement Summit excites me because it’s an opportunity to share insights and experiences with industry peers, and to hear and learn from other procurement professionals. I’m particularly interested in topics related to the latest technological advancements in procurement, as well as discussions on innovation. 

Engaging with the procurement community at the summit provides a platform for collaboration and innovation, helping us all to drive the industry forward. 

Errol will be speaking at the Construction Procurement Summit on exploring the macro trends driving new opportunities across construction supply chains, taking place on 24 October in Sydney.

The construction industry is a highly competitive market where success hinges on efficient operations, cost control, and effective management. Faced with pressure from recent disruptions such as Covid, lengthy supply chain issues, to battling the surging prices of manufacturing costs, the industry is now facing a long-term “reckoning” as rising costs and interest rates bite, with the latest figures from the corporate regulator showing a jump in collapses in the Australian sector. 

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