Ronnie Moe
Former Senior Asset Manager, Poly Global
Takes part in
- Smart & Healthy Buildings SummitView Full Event
13:30 - 17:30
Masterclass 2: Examining how smart buildings classifications are made
In this interactive masterclass, we examine the extensive pathways that cover all aspects of the technologies that make a building smart for current & future environment.
1. Looking at the trends of smart buildings: WHY & HOW THE SMART BUILDINGS EVOLVED?
Considered a novelty not long ago, smart buildings are now popping up everywhere – fueled by advances in technologies, networked infrastructure and software applications, as well as newfound awareness of the value that building intelligence has for improving a company’s bottom line. In Australia, disruption in real estate comes from two concomitant changes. Firstly, the property sector itself has moved at the epicentre of a technology revolution with the emergence of property technology (proptech), a broad term covering the wide range of applications of digital technology to the property sector. Secondly, digital innovations are revolutionising the way urban environments and buildings function and interact, enabling new lifestyles favoured by millennials (such as co-working) and giving rise to a new type of building called “Smart Buildings”2. Understanding of smart buildings: WHAT MAKES A BUILDING SMART?
Until beginning of 2020, there was no hard-and-fast answer for what makes a smart building smart. Stakeholders from one building to the next will inevitably have different goals in place for smart building initiatives depending on their specific needs.A unique process that has been developed, by the industry experts, to address the digital revolution in the built environment. The process will assess from different levels of “smartness” should exist in the buildings or proposed technologies meet the assessment to quantify their value and contribute to urban environments’ overall smartness.3. Smart buildings classifications: WHY THIS IS REQUIRED?
This is an important component of a functioning market for the smart Real Estate industry. This will also promote a building in the new segment of the commercial property market, and more fundamentally fostering confidence in both the building owners/developers and the tenants.Building owners can confidently market their investment and tenants will have a level of confidence when selecting their tenancy requirements.
The classification process will provide the following details which will assist the building management team critically, they include:
provide actionable information regarding the performance of building systems and facilities
monitor and detect errors or deficiencies in building systems before they snowball
integrate systems for real-time reporting, allowing managers to adjust operations for energy efficiency and occupant comfort and
incorporate the tools, technologies, resources and practices to contribute to energy conservation and environmental sustainability
4. Case study of 1000 La Trobe Street DOCKLANDS
In this case study, we examine responsibilities required and the process of construction and certification for delivering a 40,000 SQM Smart Building. Here Poly Group has partnered with Schneider Electric to implement the best technologies for this building and the decision making and other processes required to complete the build and meet specifications.Facilitated by: Ronnie Moe, Senior Asset Manager – Poly Global
Ronnie Moe Foisal RONI is an industry professional with over 12 years’ experience in commercial real estate and commercial property development. His passion towards the evolution of Smart Buildings Technology prompted him to visit various smart buildings around the globe, which enabled him to continue his in-depth research on the key attributes that a building must exhibit for it to be considered a truly smart building.
Ronnie is an Estate Licenced Agent who holds a Bachelor Degree in Finance & Accounting and currently works as a Senior Asset Manager & Project Lead for Poly Global in Melbourne, Victoria, where he is responsible for delivering a 40,000 SQM commercial smart building in the heart of Docklands.
Ronnie’s future mission is to prompt a truly smart building in a new segment of the commercial property market, and more fundamentally fostering confidence in both the building owners & developers and the tenants.
14:00 - 14:15
Examining how smart buildings classifications are made
- Exploring the trends in smart buildings: Why & how smart buildings have evolved
- Understanding smart buildings: What makes a building smart?
- Smart buildings classifications: Why this is required?
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